Friday, May 16, 2014

X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication

If you are not able to log into Linux user account using ssh and you are getting this error, here is the solution.

Open the file etc/ssh/ssh_config on your system , client side (NOT on the server where you want to connect)

Check this parameter in the file
ForwardX11 yes
It should be uncommented as well as set as yes.

Restart ssh on your system. Try to connect again.

If you are still getting this error, open the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config server side where you want to connect.

Check this parameter in the file
X11Forwarding yes
It should be uncommented as well as set as yes.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Fatal error: ini_set(): To prevent data corruption, you are not allowed to turn on the mongo.native_long setting on 32-bit platforms in Unknown on line 0

It is a mongo client - RockMongo error.

To remove the error, open file index.php in the directory rockmongo and comment the line
ini_set("mongo.native_long", 1);
Make it two forward slashes at the starting of the line to comment it out.
// ini_set("mongo.native_long", 1);
Now try again.

The default username and password is admin

You may find some deprecated error here but you can use the RockMongo without fatal error.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Install nodejs or node.js on CentOS / RHEL / fedora

To install node.js ( nodejs ) on CentOS / RHEL / fedora, Run following commands.

# sudo yum install nodejs

Install Packages using npm on CentOS / RHEL / fedora
First install npm on centos / RHEL / fedora
# sudo yum install npm
Now install packages using npm
Install mongodb :
# npm install mongodb
Install express :
# npm install express