Monday, April 14, 2014

HP laptop / notebook - show wired and wireless connections simultaneously

Wireless connections are disappeared after connecting to LAN

Press F10 before booting and open the BIOS mode

System Configuration > Built in settings

Disable the option LAN/Wireless switch
The option should not be enabled.

Save the changes and exit.

Now you can see wired and wireless connections together.

Fatal error: Call to undefined method PMA_Config::load() in /usr/share/phpmyadmin/libraries/Config.class.php

 Solution :

Restart apache and mysql both.

If you are using XAMPP - Restart it.
# /opt/lampp/lampp restart
It will restart apache and mysql both.

If you are using apache2 - restart it using
# service apache2 restart
If you are using apache2 - restart it using
# service mysql restart
If you are using httpd - restart it using
# service httpd restart
If you are using mysqld - restart it using
# service mysqld restart

See the Mail Queue and Delete all pending mails on Linux server

List the Pending mails and delete them on Linux Mail Server

If you want to see all the pending mails on your Linux server, Run following command:
# mailq
If you want to delete all these pending mails, Run
# postsuper -d ALL